Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Being the writer in the group

Lately, I find myself spending far too much time editing my e-mails before I send them out. I’m talking about basic, everyday e-mails that are just replies or to ask somebody something. No big deal. I’ll read it, re-read it, think about it, change something, think again, and finally say to myself, “Jesus Christ, Keash, it’s just an e-mail! Hit SEND for God’s sake!”

But that’s kind of a recurring theme with me: I get hung up about writing in my normal everyday life. It’s like when somebody asks me to sign a guestbook, or write a note in a goodbye card. I feel like they expect it to be GREAT because I’m a writer.

It’s a stupid hang up, I know. In fact, it happened again last month when we were at our friends’ cabin up north. Somebody said, “Oh, we have to write in the guestbook,” which we do every year to kind of capture our weekends up there. Everyone usually says, “Give it to Keash, she’s the writer…” but I hate being the guestbook writer. Whenever I pick up the pen, I feel this huge pressure to write something clever or funny or pithy. And sometimes I just feel like writing, “Had a great time, thanks guys!”

Anyway, this year I deferred it to someone else and Art, knowing how I feel, said, to me, “Just write it, don’t even think about that stuff!” And he’s right! I’m the one who’s giving myself the pressure—they don’t care! They just want somebody to put in an entry in the guestbook for posterity. It’s not like I’m competing in a Writer’s Digest contest or something!

So I guess what I’m realizing is, I don’t always have to be “on” as a writer. However, I really would like it if somebody else wrote those guestbook entries.


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